Five Things You Might Not Know About Fateful Connections by author Karen Charles


Fateful Connections tells the story of four people brought
together by the tragic events of 9/11 in the United States. These four
individuals were attending a conference in Seattle, Washington, and found it
nearly impossible to make it back to their homes, which were scattered across
the country. They decide to rent a car and drive together, as they cannot get
any flights home. As rental cars are also impossible to come upon, they find a
friend who has access to a repossessed car, which he is willing to rent out.
Unbeknownst to the friends, the rightful owner of the car wants his car back,
and as they find out, hidden inside the car are drugs and guns. What ensues is
a dangerous journey which impacts on the four friends’ lives forever. The story
follows them on their harrowing journey home, then one or two years later as
they meet up for an annual reunion.

The strengths of this story are the easy-to-read
narrative and compelling plot. The author introduces four intriguing main
characters, as well as a number of antagonists, who hunt down the friends and
engage in dangerous and illegal plans to not only recapture their guns and
drugs, but also kill the friends so there are no witnesses to their illegal
activities. The reader is instantly drawn into the storyline and moves along
with the characters as they experience fear, joy, love, and relief. The plot is
compelling, and the reader cannot help but become invested in the lives of
these four main characters. Amazon:

Five Things You Might Not
Know About Fateful Connections

1. At a Christmas brunch
my friend, Sandy, told a story of what happened to her brother who was at a CEO
conference on 9/11. I was so intrigued by the bazaar events that I decided to
develop it into a thriller.

2. After I heard the story
my book is based on, it took a year and a half before I began writing the

3. I own a condo in Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico where one of my characters in the book lives.

4. The ranch setting in
Santa Clarita, California is owned by my son.

5. One of the characters
in the book is very much like me.


About the Author: Karen
Charles is a children’s book author and educator. She lives with her husband on
a beautiful bay in Washington State. Her latest book is the thriller, Fateful

