
Good news! I finished the first draft of Episode Eight, so now it’s just the edit and then release!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the editor had a head start and she’s actually given me some feedback for a little re-writing in one chapter so I’ll get onto that and anything else she might point out in the second half.

Meanwhile, Episode Five is currently in audiobook production! I don’t know how long it will be before release, but that will be half the series out in audio! So far the same narrator has done all of them, so hopefully she’ll stay on board for the other five books because I really like her voice for Akalya.

So, back to work for me. I need to finish any edits before I move on to writing Episode Nine, but I’ve left myself set-up with a story line to follow so hopefully it won’t take as long as this episode did! Don’t worry, no cliffhangers!

Hopefully I can stay just ahead of the audiobook production so that the last episodes will come out with similar frequency to the earlier ones.