Fall Reads: Cross-Ties Historical Romance

I don’t know about you, but I love the contrasting seasons of the year. Whether traveling outside my homeland, to experience the winter wonderland (not so much this year), or take in photos of scenic locations, the season is pristine and washes away the cares for the day.

Fall is in the air and the cool mornings are a great time to reflect and read. Me with my fluffy cat Tookie, and the elder tabby Ollie spend a lot of time contemplating the universe on the balcony. Between saying no-no to Tookie who wants to eat the plants and anything else that may be edible, my universe is almost complete.

Looking for a new novel to take your cares away? Let me recommend Cross-Ties eBook, a historical romance. This week during our special promotion it’s just 99 cents (10/21-25/21). Tap the link below to read today! Everyone has an immigration story, and this coming-of-age tale is one to remember.

Cross-Ties by Carolyn Bowen

Cross-Ties Book Description

A page-turning epic of adventure, suspense, and romance that crosses the chasm of societal rules.

You’ll be spellbound by the twists and turns Leah’s life takes some by her doing, and others as she rubs against the social rules of the 19th century. Finally, you’ll learn the ties between people and cultures matter and may come wrapped in unexpected packages.

Cross-Ties is a historical romance featuring a beautiful young woman who seized the opportunity to be more independent for nothing else would suit.

Cross-Ties by Carolyn Bowen