Even More Praise for The Black Fox

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite.

The Black Fox is a fast-paced work of thriller fiction penned by author Gordon Bickerstaff, and forms the third book in the Lambeth Group Thrillers Series. 
In this exciting instalment to the series, Zoe Tampsin takes on the task of hiding and guarding the scientist Gavin Shawlens from US agents who are seeking him out in the UK. Zoe, code-named the title’s ‘Black Fox’ for her superb work in Bosnia, weaves her way through a delicate web of secrets and ever impending threats, even with the haphazard academic in tow. 

Gavin is experiencing memory blocks and terrifying nightmares, but he also holds the key to a devastating conspiracy that the USA doesn’t want uncovered. It’s up to Zoe to keep him alive and finally uncover the truth.

For thriller fans, author Gordon Bickerstaff creates a perfect recipe with all the ingredients needed to please his audience. Zoe Tampsin is a special agent with plenty of skills and smarts, stylized beauty, and an easily imagined prowess that makes her come to life like a Hollywood starlet.

There’s a lot of work put into the emotional components of the tale, which add realism to the blockbuster plot and make the reading experience more credible overall. 
The dialogue was well written and clear in its exposition of the mysteries of the plot, and I found that the conspiracies and answers given were very satisfying to the overall journey.

The Black Fox is certainly highly recommended for fans of high-octane action novels and involved, stylish thrillers.