Episode Ten is Finished!

It’s taken me a lot longer than I ever would have expected, but the final episode is done! It’s gone to edit now and will get a final proof read of course. As the editor has been waiting for this one, it should be done fairly quickly. Maybe even just a few days!

Priority is on the e-book because once it’s on Kindle, the co-ordinator for audio can offer it to the narrator who has done all the previous episodes, Kalinda Little. I feel really lucky that she’s stuck with the whole series so it has consistency through all the episodes! She’s also the perfect voice for Kallie.

Then formatting for paperback comes next and people who prefer hard copy will be able to get the completed series in two volumes. I know a lot of people don’t like to start reading a series until all the episodes are finished and I don’t blame them. Who likes to wait forever for a next book or watch the author wander off on other projects in between?

That’s why I’ve stuck with this one despite wanting to work on other stories.

So watch this space! I’ll post again as each stage is released. E-book, paperback, then eventually audiobook.

Meanwhile, may I ask a favor? If you’re reading the series, I would so appreciate it if you could post reviews of the episodes you’ve read on Amazon, Goodreads and any other retailers you use. It makes all the difference to readers to have opinions from other readers who have read the books they might consider. It also helps the authors.

Also, if you’ve enjoyed the series, please recommend the first book, Time Shifters, to anyone you think might enjoy it! Remember that it is always free on Smashwords and only .99 on Amazon. I so want to share this world with anyone who might enjoy it!