Delight in Imperfections?

Fly Me to the Moon by Bart Howard

The good thing about working intensively on a group of songs, and then let them rest while going through others – and repeat until reaching the end – followed by another round, is that the songs that rest don’t. There is always something brewing – even in the songs that don’t get worked on at any given time. It’s like wine – the mellowing time is as important as the work-intensive time. Songs need sunshine, kneading through until they’re elastic, ferment until they’re rounded, and rest until they are ripe and mellow. It is a never-ending process and that is the delight of working with songs. That is true for music of any form or shape, but for me, the voice, and the piano stand in the foreground.

Come to think of it, writing in any shape or form goes through a similar process. This is my world. This is what gives my life meaning. That, and teaching. Everything else is fine, but not of the greatest importance. Of course, it is better to have enough money not to have trouble with bills or getting enough to eat. Of course, it is important to be able to get fresh and healthy products. Naturally, it is vital to have clothes to wear and keep one warm in winter and comfortable in the summer. All this goes without saying, but it isn’t the essence of being alive. No, it is enough to have enough. Being rich isn’t all that attractive. Just comfortable. There, as in many issues, Jane Austen and I agree.

Yes, one needs to be able to get sheet music, books, and necessary instruments – including the technical bits from PCs to cables as well as recording equipment and stands. Some would say it’s an expensive hobby to be artistically gifted. Others simply lean back and enjoy the music (or the books or the paintings). Yes, a little colour is also a necessity in my life. Does that make me greedy? Maybe, but not in the way money hoarders are greedy. After all, the things I need are essential for bringing my message across. Whether they are students, readers, or listeners matter little. These days, you can’t present music to many people without the internet. These days, you may have to resort to Skype or ZOOM to give lessons.

What an insane world we live in. When wasn’t it? Things may be rearranged from time to time, but the difference isn’t all that great. There were always leaders and followers, there were always thinkers, musicians, artists, and storytellers. There were always slaves and masters. Just saying. Mankind has remained inquisitive, power greedy, mad, inventive, stupid, intelligent, and foolish since we dropped out of the trees. We have messed up the planet since we had the idea to develop machines to do the work we were meant to do manually. By the way, who meant us to do anything? Any ideas? Me neither. It isn’t that simple to put the world to rights. What is right and wrong? It depends on who looks and where from. In hindsight, it is easy to put a finger on the raw points – but it isn’t helpful – not much anyway. Should we find out how to go back a rectify prior mistakes, other blunders are apt to appear. It is all right. We were never meant to be perfect. All we need to do is to live life with passion and compassion. That is still a tall order, but we must do or die.

Marc Chagall, The Circus

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