Creating a Book You Love by author Patricia Eckerman Ambas


As a writer you pour your
heart into your work. But what happens when you get to the end – all the way to
publication – and it’s no longer the book you love? Somewhere along the way it
was tweaked until it morphed into a new creation – one that you didn’t even
I published a book in
December that I was not comfortable promoting; I didn’t want to share about it
personally or professionally. It took some reflection to figure out what was
blocking me from the zeal I had held for it leading up to its release, and
looking back, I noted that the children’s book had been postponed so long that
by the time everything was set, I just wanted to get the book out. Any
misgivings or doubts I had were pushed to the side in order to rush through the
release before the new year began. But those doubts didn’t leave, and instead,
 grew until I realized that it was
the book cover that was not attractive to me and some of the art on the pages
left me unimpressed. I found myself discrediting the book cover whenever I met
a new reader to let them know that I didn’t like the cover, as if to tell them
it was okay if they didn’t either.

 To create the book I actually loved, I needed to make changes. So, while the book was out as a
less-than-attractive version, I was at work behind the scenes with a new cover
designer. Then came the interior work. Months later I had a book that I loved.
It is so easy to share the book that had been in my heart all along, but it
just needed some adjustments. This makeover allowed me to finally present the
book I had imagined.

 One of the benefits in
reflecting on why I didn’t love my book was that I could make changes to the
second book in the series to ensure this wouldn’t happen again. When
I Can’t Wait to Love You Forever: A Big
Sister Book
released this month, this time, I was incredibly proud to
promote it. If you find yourself no longer in love with your book, it may just
be a ‘you’ thing, but it may also be a universal feeling that needs to be
addressed. As much as we want to rush the process, slow it down to compose a
book that you love. And don’t be afraid of a little modification; it may just
be what makes it rework its way into your heart and into the hands of others.


About the author: Patricia Eckerman Ambas
was inspired by her son’s inventive game when she wrote
I Can’t Wait to Love You Forever: A Big Brother Book. At the
request of readers, she followed it up with the big sister version in the
similarly titled book in the series,
Can’t Wait to Love You Forever: A Big Sister Book
. Her experience as an
educator prompted her to weave in the important aspects of social and emotional
learning and positive parenting into the books. Always surrounded by her three
young children, you can find Patricia on the lake catching sunrises or at her family
business, Manila Resto. Keep in touch by following her on FB and IG at
@PatriciaEckermanAmbas or send her an email at 




