Coffee Chat with Inspirational Author Pamela S Thibodeaux


​Good Morning, Booklovers!
I hope you’ll take time from your holiday shopping to join us for book talk with author Pamela Thibodeaux, bringing us her romantic novella, Keri’s Christmas Wish.
Welcome, Pamela! How do you take your coffee?
PT: I love my coffee hot, strong, and unadorned. Never iced! I consider Caramel Macchiato dessert.
Ally:  Coffee au naturale coming right up! While I pour, please introduce yourself to readers.


Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short story!
Something special not in your regular bio: “I am a licensed Insurance Agent. I left employment in May of this year (2021) when I turned 60 and became eligible to draw Social Security off of my husband who passed away in 2009. Nor does it (my bio) tell you that I have an Assoc. Degree in Office Occupations and have been employed as a bookkeeper/accountant at different points in my many years in the work force.”
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Ally:  Who or what inspired your featured book?
PT:  Like most of my books, Keri came to me. As I sat at my computer one July morning, I saw her in my mind’s eye, scrolling through Christmas in July propaganda and mumbling “Bah humbug” which started this whole thing. Like me, Keri loves the Lord but despises the hype and commercialism around the Christmas holiday. Added to that, she’s heard or read so much controversy about the actual time of his birth that she’s found a good bit of Scrooge in herself (unlike me). But never fear, all of the questions that have haunted her and cause most of her Christmas angst, are answered in a way only God can orchestrate.
Ally:  Are you self-published or traditionally published? How did you make the decision?
PT:  Both. I have 2 projects with Pelican Book Group. Many of my books started out published by a small press. I made the decision to go indy when I got the rights back to my series and realized that for the most part, I can make more money in royalties than with a traditional small press. Especially since most small publishers have little or no marketing budget for their authors.
Ally:  Do you write from an outline?
PT:  I sometimes have a short blurb or tagline to build my story around but most of the time, I am 100% pantser.
Ally:  Do you have a newsletter? Tell us about it. (how often, mail service you use, how you find content) Do you think it is an effective marketing tool?
PT:  Yes I have a newsletter and subscribers get a free short story upon joining. Sometimes during the year I’ll put up a new story for them to enjoy. I use Mail Chimp and send a monthly message. I’m not sure about being an effective marketing tool, but having a newsletter helps me stay in touch with my readers on a regular basis.
Ally:  You’re thrown into a different time period—either past or future—what book hero would you want with you? Why?
PT:  Regardless of the time period I’m thrown in, Alex Broussard, the hero from my novel, The Visionary would be with me because out of all of my heroes, Alex is the one that most reminds me of my deceased husband. Oodles and oodles of charm and charisma by the case.
Ally: Which of the trivia questions did you choose to answer?

  • An author (living or dead) you’d love to take to lunch:  Nora Roberts
  • An item on your bucket list:  Visit Ireland and Jerusalem
  • E-book or print?  I love holding a book in my hands but having a selection at my fingertips (Kindle) is wonderful, especially when travelling.
  • Do you re-read books? Any book in particular?  All the time and too many to list but to name just one: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
  • Favorite holiday song(s):  Mary did you Know (Christmas) and He’s Alive (Easter)

Ally: It was a pleasure to chat with you, Pamela. Before we finish for today, please show us your featured novella.

Update: Check out the new book cover!


Keri’s Christmas Wish

Genre: women’s fiction novella/supernatural elements/romance

Controversy and Inconsistencies are thieves of holiday joy for Keri…is there any hope for a happy holiday season?

For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas—especially with the controversy over the time of Jesus’s birth. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?

Jeremy Hinton thinks Keri is a highly intelligent, deeply emotional, and intensely complex woman and he’s as fascinated by her aversion to Christmas as he is of the woman herself. A devout Christian at heart, he’s studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens her life, will all of his faith and training be for naught?

Fans of near death experiences will enjoy this woman’s mystical journey into spiritual Truth.

Keri’s Christmas Wish
is a sweet, clean (PG) women’s fiction novella with supernatural elements and a hint of romance suitable for YA and adult readers and is available in Ebook, Paperback and Audio.
Purchase Link: