I appear to be writing simple, self-explanatory poems at the moment. It is not part of some strategy merely what is bubbling to the surface.
This poem is no exception.

My Day
scratching the parking permit
I have to ask Ollie the date
and it turns out
you’re one hundred today
the sun still shines
for now the world goes on
later as darkness falls
I will cross Dartmoor
then I will read
how the sea is turning to acid
later still I will toast you
in clear cold water

You can read about the changing state of our oceans here.
The poem is essentially reportage. I wrote it at the end of the day when I was reflecting back on the day’s events.

Here’s Offa Rex singing The Blackleg Miner. I only heard the album recently, my Decemberists radar must have malfunctioned when the album came out. The song is from the North-East and I first heard Steeleye Span singing it on their debut album. It was made popular by Louis Killen.

Until next time.