Cherish the message: Vive la Resistance!


Things are gonna get messy…

An illegal union, a banned birth, a Great Lie, and now, genocide. Vampire lawyer Donovan Trait and his wife, chemically-turned Judge Shirley Magnusen, are battling for their lives and the lives of their children. The Vampire Coalition wants them dead, but now the despots have also decided to expand their net, targeting any vampire whose blood is mixed with human or Were. Half-bloods are already treated like dirt by the Vampire Nation. They have been subjected to centuries of discrimination and cruelty at their hands. As the Coalition embarks on a campaign of terror, destruction, and slaughter, millions of half-bloods emerge from the shadows, ready and willing to reclaim their place in the Vampire Nation. The problem is, war cannot be unleashed out in the open in the human world. Battles must be fought in other ways. Even with an island of highly-skilled vampire nuns and a few Weres and humans at their side, it appears the Traits may be fighting an unwinnable war. Their only option may be to sacrifice their own lives in the hopes of setting all other half-bloods free.


Clinging to the tree, Donovan watched as the monkey taunted him with the package. How the hell was he supposed to get it back? Slowly, he began to edge down the tree. Suddenly, a ladder hit his feet. Donovan gazed below him and smiled. That was where the worker had gone. To get a ladder. He eased onto it and carefully lowered himself. When he reached the sandy soil, he gazed at the worker and pointed at the devious monkey. “He grabbed the package. How do I get it back?”

The worker chuckled. “He will drop it in exchange for a treat.” He nodded at the monkey. “That one loves berries.” The worker motioned toward a blueberry bush and started pulling the berries from the bush. “These are hard for them to pick. If we pile them at the base of the tree, he will drop the package in order to get to them.”

Donovan cocked an eyebrow. “Really? That’s all it will take?”

The worker dropped a handful of berries by the tree and the monkey began to jump up and down, screeching excitedly. Donovan quickly picked another handful of berries and dumped them onto the growing mound. After a few minutes of berry picking, the worker motioned for Donovan to step back. They waited a moment. With the package in his teeth, the monkey leaped from the tree and landed softly next to the blueberries. He tossed the package away and dug in, consuming the berries with aggressive zeal. When he finished, he leaped back into the tree and swung away.

Donovan grabbed the package. It was a bit slimy, saturated with monkey saliva. “Ye Gods, I hope they didn’t dissolve the pill.” Carefully, he peeled away the packaging. Inside was a small box wrapped in several layers of plastic. He sighed with relief. Donovan removed the box and grasped it tightly in his hand, then he began to run. The faster he got it to the laboratory, the faster they would get some answers.

Consumed with the task at hand, Donovan failed to notice a plane hovering over the island. In a grid-like pattern, it flew back and forth, each time moving closer to the electronic grid. Finally tuning into the sound of the plane’s engines, Donovan looked up, just in time to discover that the plane intended to dive into the net. It was headed straight for him.

Donovan had no time to leap out of the way. The plane hit the net and burst into flames. The vegetation below was caught in the fire’s path. The force of the explosion threw Donovan into the dense jungle, where his head hit a tree. He struggled to remain conscious in what was now a sea of smoke and flames. His last thought before he succumbed to the darkness was that there was one thing they had not planned for—fire…and monkeys.

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