Book 3


amberlin- A liquid drug fed into arteries to restrict pain and movement

Anima- A secondary animal god from before time

Arcanite – A sect of human wizards. Mosac was one of the last

beverum- Synthetized beverage

caref- An intelligent alien fish

Ceretone- Crystal sails that rise from standing stones (ancient)

Chy- The mysterious worship of a Chy Lord

Chyman- Man or woman who follows Chy*

cobroy- Fragrant smoke from burnt herbs for toughening skin (ancient)

confusion chamber- A maze of coded stases* to hide a Portal*

core pole- Poles to create a deceitful ‘holm*’ of acreage or terrain

Croutone- A Ceretone* substitute. Earth and stone supported by lintels (ancient)

droggle- A stew native to Lammprayt

Dryadall- Impure dragon, demon or other ancient inbred divine creature

embus- Public transport able to adjust its size and shape

emniproes- Unique invasive alien spores

farros- A docile alien creature: farrowirg* root 1

farrosort- Farrowirg* type alien with parasitic tendencies toward others

farrowirg- Alien conquerors with two main roots (extinct in Burracanel times)

focosil- Cocoa based confectionery

fortune nook- A magical storage and communication threshold

fover- A huge intelligent bird

Frice – A main spectrum that can escape Yubungu* (for spiritual beings only)

glibe- A series of emniproe* inhabited mechanicals

grite- A levitating torch or light

gritecom- A levitating spy and communication device

groat- A farrowirg* slave

ground bomb- A selective bomb

holm- An animated hologram of an actual scene

hovergloid- A silent fast craft in disc form that skims over water

inprint- An interactive book

korka- A member of a squad protecting vulnerable shooli tree*s

magi-tec- Lord Rodgoman’s adaptation of technomagic*; used by Sargolus

nymphon – Impure nymph; with broken dragon, demon etc. remnants

onver- A system using light speed to keep different types of food fresh

owscle – A type of mutated degenerate (by and large).

Portal- A complex of stases

Prieffe- A high order farrowirg* administrator or Lord

Protection Zones- Ancient war vehicles to protect fugitives from kilp attack

quinpen- A huge humanoid with horns

red-hole- A tunnel through space for Gods and eternals only

rider- Any vehicle propelled by body energy

river cores- Force field poles lowered into the water

scavemglibe- Scavenger glibe* used for emergency building work

saunterings- Snacks in bread

scoliosis- A magical disease – progressive, incurable and none-contagious

Scyon- A High Mayor

shooli tree- A tree dispersing emniproe*s

silvane- A farrowirg* servant, often of note, but always under a Prieffe*

Simeare- The central nub of all connected stases

slip-shop- A second-hand shop

sneg- A large Simian goat

sphunge- A farrowirg*’s old viral ally, abandoned due to deadly mutations

stasis- A doorway of plants (plural: stases)

sup- A hot drink made from sup* shoots

supretch- The strength of sup* and fermented stomach contents technomagic- Technology and magic combined (see magi-tec*)

trowcurrant- Large form of blackcurrant

white hole- A tunnel of light nothing can withstand

wirg- Psychic creature: farrowirg* root 2

wirger- A person able to interface with wirg*s

wobbler- Slang for a farrowirg*

womeakberry- Edible berry of unknown origin

woud- A extremely skilled alien cephalopod

woudling- A young woud* with parasitic tendencies

Yubungu- First Black; a constraining force of undefined physical presence

yumcasin- Large cultivated form of the casin (a small sharp berry)

zomatitis- Zombie equivalent of putrefied flesh (loosely related to gangrene)