Back into the writing groove.

AuthorsAt Tweet, by Lizzie Chantree

Happy 2020 everyone. How are you? I haven’t posted here for a while as my writing and marketing schedule was a little hectic at the tail end of 2019 and I was trying to juggle it all.  I did work over the festive season, but took a few days off and it has really recharged my energy and I’ve almost finished the first draft of a new book! All five of my published books were in various bestsellers lists again on New Year’s Eve, so I was literally bouncing around that day.

I’m also hosting a multi-author book signing in February, which I’m very excited about, but it takes a lot of planning. I am getting there and so far we have 26 authors, a MARVEL artist, editing professionals, writing mentors, a cover design company, local libraries, creative groups, a Show Choir singing movie theme tunes, a magician doing slight of hand and book themed tricks and a bar! It’s a free event for guests to join us for, so I’m hoping the local community get behind it and enjoy the wealth of creativity in Essex. We are supported by the local council, who are running a seminar before the signing (I’m a speaker and I’m quaking in my boots) and we also have a writing workshop by an amazing local and bestselling Harlequin author, Virginia Heath.

I’ve got two other speaking seminars in the early months of this year too. One is for a Women’s Group and one for The Essex Book festival at Chelmsford Library. The Essex Book Festival seminar, is Social Networking for Writers. I’ll be chatting about how writers can create networks for their creativity and offer ideas to expand their reader base. Come along if you are in the area. Tickets via Chelmsford Library. Essex. I’ll be putting the event links up on my website soon.

I hope you have all had an amazing start to the year and that 2020 is full of smiles.

From Lizzie.



AuthorsAt… The Westcliff Hotel.  #AuthorsAtWestcliffHotel