Author Interview: Sasha Morgan

At what point do you think someone should call themselves a writer?

As soon as they write!  You don’t have to be published to become a ‘writer’.  Writing is for everyone who loves putting pen to paper, regardless of any contracts that may or may not be on the table.

Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?

Never give up.  Always write in your own style and don’t try to copy or adjust it.  Stay true to yourself.  Writing is like any other art and very subjective, so every writer, no matter who they are, will have experienced some rejection at some point in their career.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

Yes, I love hearing from my readers.  It really gives a boost when they tell me how much they enjoy reading a book of mine, or that they have fallen for a particular character!  Quite a few readers have said they would love to visit the village of Lilacwell, which is a quaint Lancashire village, based on the Forrest of Bowland’s Whitewell.

Do you prefer ebooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?

I like all of them.  I collect favourite novels in print for my bookcase, ebooks to take on holiday and audiobooks to play whilst ironing or doing housework.

How did you come up with the title for your book?

Escape to Lilacwell seemed the most natural title to think of, as it’s about a young girl escaping the rat race in a campervan and stumbling across the beautiful village of Lilacwell.

How do you develop your plot and characters?

They often develop themselves.  My characters are real to me and they have a habit of guiding my plot lines by telling me what they think and feel.  Often I’ve had to tweak my writing, as I can hear them say, ‘I wouldn’t say that!’ or ‘I wouldn’t do that!

How long have you been writing or when did you start?

I’ve been writing since I was about eight years old, making up stories for friends and family.  Writing is a form of escapism for me.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

To date I’ve written eight books.  I’d say my favourite is Escape to Lilacwell, as it’s the first book which is set in my home county of Lancashire. 

If you could be mentored by a famous author, who would it be?

I would love to have had Emily Bronte as my mentor.  Having come from Yorkshire, she would have had true northern grit, I’m sure.  I admire all the Bronte sisters’ work and have often visited the vicarage in Haworth where they lived.  Those girls were way ahead of their time.

What are you writing on now?

I’ve just started a new series, again set in Lancashire, this time in a coastal village, which is on a peninsula and can be cut off by the tide at certain times.  The first book is about a young couple who have lived on a narrowboat, but tragic circumstances forced a move to the village.

Twitter: @SashaMorgan_

Instagram: @sasha.writer

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