Author Interview: Danielle Thorne

At what point do you think someone should call themselves a writer?
Anyone that writes creatively in any form should call themselves a writer. You don’t have to be a published author to be a writer. Writing is an art form. Embrace what you do and don’t wait for the world to give you permission to identify with what you love.

Do you prefer e-books, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?
I became involved in the e-book industry early on, even reading on devices before there was such a thing as a Kindle! Paperback books are great for non-fiction because I like to highlight and reference them, but I’m primarily an e-book reader. I prefer the light weight and scrolling.

Have you ever traveled as research for your book?
I’ve had the opportunity to travel to many different countries to research my writing, including all over the U.S., Caribbean, and U.K. I love being able to see and smell the history that I’m writing about and get a sense of the people. It definitely makes a difference in the writing process. I feel more confident.

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?
I’m always a little envious of authors who have dinner dates or parties to celebrate their books because I’m not extroverted or bold enough to do that. Most of my release days are spent promoting the book
and quietly enjoying the progress of my writing journey. There is always joy—but it’s more internal than out there for the world to see.

How do you come up with character names for your stories?
Most character names come to me as I start writing, but sometimes I use old census records to find interesting ones. I also jot down names I read or hear that I like. Over time, I noticed I unconsciously used many of my nieces’ names, so that’s a trend I plan to continue just for fun.

How long does it take you to write a book?
It takes me anywhere from three months to a year or more to write a book. First drafts come quickly, but the rewrites and edits take longer, especially if there’s research.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I’ve published over twenty-five books in a variety of genres. My favorite book is the first historical I ever wrote, The Privateer of San Madrid. I loved researching West Indies history and The Golden Age of Piracy and was very passionate about my main characters.

If you could be a character in one of your favorite books, who would you be?
There are so many books I’d like to step inside, but choosing a character is tricky because the best characters conquer hard things! If I could be any character, it’d probably be Lizzie Bennett from Pride and Prejudice although I don’t have half her wit.

If you could be mentored by a famous author, who would it be?
I absolutely love Kate Harmon’s historical fiction and would love to learn from her. Her stories are gripping, different, and she writes so smoothly.

What books did you grow up reading?
Historical biographies, Agatha Christie, The Sweet Valley High series (The glorious 1980s!), and some of the classics like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.

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