A satirical novel, the gun debate & a dangerous idea

Americans might be surprised to discover that Australians are fascinated by American Gun Culture. Ever since we first flicked on the tellie in 1956 Aussies have had a constaNT diet of American TV shoot-’em-ups: Bonanza, The Rifleman, The Lone Ranger, Hawiian Five-0, Magnum,P.I, The Streets of San Francisco, The Sopranos, CSI-anywhere, Shooter (Netflix), Justified (Netflix)…

Need I go on. These are just a few TV shows off the top of my head. I haven’t even ventured into films. But few Aussies know that the gun laws changed in the USA when the 2nd Amendment was reinterpreted in 2004 and the again in 2008. We live in a time of VICE and FOLLY, hence the need for a satirical novel.

You’ll find TARGET 91 on AMAZON  USA, UK and AUS.

Also KOBOSMASHWORDS and Barnes&Noble NOOK and Apple iBook.