A Promised Update

Have you ever noticed that time passes more quickly when you promise to do something by a specific time? I wish I had Akalya’s ability to time shift. Then I could get it all done and present it without such a wait!

The holidays and all that go with it have been pretty disruptive this year. Visitors, travel, everything has made it difficult to just sit down and focus on writing. However, I did finish reading all nine previous episodes and have notes written for details to work in to Episode Ten.

If there’s anything I hate, it’s a series that fizzles out at the end or leaves loose ends. I’m determined this won’t be one of those. Despite all that happened in Episode Nine, I’ve got some drama saved back for an exciting conclusion.

In other news, the audiobook of Episode Nine: Remember the Future should be out any day now. The recording has been approved and it’s just a matter of how long Audible takes to do their quality checks and post it. So Yay!

So, I’m back in the swing now and tying all those loose ends together. Momentum is growing and this story is looking pretty healthy.  I also have a final cover design! Let me know what you think.