A Hiatus in Posting

There will be fewer posts over the next few months. I am immersed in completing the sixth Adam Bascom mystery and that must have priority.

It picks up Adam’s life after he has married Lady Alice and been made a baronet by the king as a reward for his many services to the country. By an entirely unexpected coincidence, the story itself deals with a young man from an important family, who rejects the position to which he was born and is desperate to enter on a new way of life. However, the “rules” of society at the time, plus the complications of future inheritance, make that a far from easy matter.

Being emotional, impetuous and somewhat thoughtless, his attempts to gain what he wants prove to be disastrously inept. The consequences which flow from these form the basis for the mystery. I assure you that the basic draft was completed well before Christmas and those current events hitting the headlines in Britain. I never imagined such a thing might ever come about.

The provisional title is “The Reluctant Heir” and I hope to see it available in Early April. Meanwhile, details of the previous five books in this series can be found here: “The Dr Adam Bascom Mysteries” http://bit.ly/2k43dSQ.