2019 and All That, Resolutions and Beyond

2019 and all That resolutions and beyond
Well a while since I’ve written, but here goes. My latest novel Broken Ties is now available as an ebook/pdf from www. Lulu.com and is only £2.99. If you fancy a read please do go over to the Lulu shop and it can be had from there, or in physical form from any bookshop. All that done I’m planning one or two events in conjunction with the book, so if author doings are your thing, keep checking my website: www.margaretholbrookwrites.weebly.com all my events are listed there. I also wondered whether folk might like to purchase books from my site. If you’ve any thoughts on this, please let me know.
January is a quietish month for me. I take some time off to catch up on writing that can become neglected in the busy-ness of all that Christmas, New Year and Winter can bring along, nice though it is. I always enjoy this time of year but I take the break because if the weather suddenly turns wintry and I can’t get to an event I’d rather not let someone down by contacting to say I’m no longer available. All this leads me to new year resolutions. Have you made any and are you keeping them? I’m pleased to say that I am. I decided that I would cut down on author visits to allow me the freedom to write more.(I have several writing projects on the go atm) And so far I have stuck to it. And I feel the better for it. My schedule is not so rushed. And author visits, particularly if they include a workshop, do take time in planning, so extra time plus the visit. I must admit that I was nearly swayed a few weeks ago but didn’t give in. And I am pleased. And the event has just been put back. The organiser hasn’t cancelled me because I said I was busy on the date they initially wanted. They have booked me for a later date. People are quite reasonable. I know some club secretaries have to book a speaker 18months to 2 years in advance and juggling the dates from their side isn’t always easy, either. A little give and take on both sides is all that is needed. So, that’s the take on my N Year resolution. Come on, what are/were yours? Until next time, M