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Hello everyone. How are you all?

It been exciting here, as all five of my books have been in various bestseller lists recently. I’m an indie writer who is published by an independent press, so it’s wonderful to see people reading my books. A big thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, shared news of online and told their friends about my work. I appreciate each and every one of you.

I’ve just completed my 7th novel, which means I have two new books which will hopefully be out this year. I have also invited four other bestselling authors to join me as admins for my Facebook group, Lizzie’s Book Group. This group shares news of books we love, has marketing tips for creatives and it about mutual support of writers, artists, creatives and readers. If you are a writer or avid reader and would like to join the group, feel free! The link is Lizzie’s Book Group.

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To grab one of my latest books, click here.

I’m also trying to work out how to update my newsletter more often. I apologise for any delay, but for someone who thinks she is quite tech savvy, the instructions go straight over my head! I just managed to change my welcome email to an updated newsletter by mistake and now every new subscriber will get my July news! Lol:) I will work it out one day.

Have an amazing week.

Relax, enjoy and have some fun.

From Lizzie.