Are You Trying Too Hard to Look Good?

Everyone wants to win the praise and admiration of others. It’s only natural. That includes securing…

Do You Know Your Blind Spots?

Do You Know Your Blind Spots? How can you address weaknesses if you’re blind to your…

Compliments Are Not Always Helpful

People like compliments. I get it. But what if you send the message that you only…

What Works Better — Obedience or Commitment?

It’s an age-old question: How do you motivate people to do what’s right? For instance, you…

Put on Your Big-Boy Pants and Deal with It

Everyone’s asked to do things they disdain. It may be attending a function with folks you…

10 Reasons Why People Ignore Their Conscience

10 Reasons Why People Ignore Their Conscience You have one life to live. And YOU get…

20 Choices That Will Determine Your Destiny

Everyone is born with the potential for greatness. What happens next is up to you. You…

45 Clever Ways to Exceed Expectations

If you want to knock someone’s socks off, your actions must exceed expectations rather than just…

Why Is Everything An Emergency?

Do you ever wake up thinking your day will turn out one way, and it ends…

Perseverance: The Secret to Success

One drop of water doesn’t seem like much until you consider that a droplet of water,…

Life Is Short. Why Spend It on Stupid Stuff?

Some folks are obsessed with how they’re viewed, whether they’ll be accepted, and how they compare…

Problems Are Best Addressed Before They Arise

I find it interesting when you call your cable provider to cancel your service and they…

Why Happiness Is a Choice

How are you feeling? This post discusses something that far too many people are suffering from…

Critical Lessons That They Fail to Teach You in School

Most people learn life’s most valuable lessons too late in life. Here are 31 lessons that…

Go Ahead … Pat Yourself on the Back

Go Ahead … Pat Yourself on the Back If you’re oblivious to the wonderful things that…

If You Want to WOW Someone, Do Something Unexpected

If you want to WOW someone, do something unexpected rather than ordinary. After all, you’d never…

Do You Know Folks Who Are Needy?

Do you know folks who are needy? I’m not talking about the poor and downtrodden or…

Lighten Up … and Take a Deep Breath

Each day is a gift for you to carefully unwrap. What happens next is up to…

What Defines You as a Person?

What Defines You as a Person? Some people think they’ll wake up one morning and their…

What Makes Someone Beautiful in Your Eyes?

How much importance do you place on looking healthy, young, and vibrant? You’re not alone. Just…

Live Within Your Means — Or Else!

One of the great misnomers of our time is that rich people have it all. The…

How An Expectation Drives Performance

One of the things that I learned from my driver’s education instructor was never to look…

Always Do Your Best

Do you remember back-to-school night? It’s an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and hear…

9 Reasons Why Being Busy Is a Shortcoming

9 Reasons Why Being Busy Is a Shortcoming Did you ever notice when you ask some…

Did You Know That Dogs Can Fly?

Did you know that dogs can fly? Not all dogs, silly. But some dogs can. How…