Straightening It Out

Well now we have the Not-So-Leaning Tower of Pisa. Where is the world heading?

The customer is king

Dear company I am trying to contact I am regulated by nobody I have Terms and…

Simple, really.

Do  not build in forests where there will be wildfires; do not build on flood plains.

Five-star review on Goodreads

Although I had known of the film ‘Treasure Island’ I had never watched it or read…

The Ides of March 29th

Theresa May wants her Brexit critics to get behind her. Et tu, Boris?

The Irish question

The Irish Republic is the only country that can be entered by UK citizens without showing…

Tyred (tired)

What a stress it is to put air in tyres (American translation = tires). You sit…

Europe doesn’t exist.

So here in the UK we are arm-wrestling with Europe, trying to get out of its…

The seedless people

Is Tennis the only enclave in the world for unseeded people. I mean, how did they…

The day Fake News took over

Fake news is not new. It was used by both sides in the Second World War…

Passing Times, Number 2

May 19th 2018 will probably be seen in history as a day of tangible change. If…


I like the word “scam”. It sounds like its meaning. I first came across it when…

Tennis on tables?

The TV is showing table tennis and I find myself wondering “who the hell invented that?”…