Author Interview: Bibiana Krall

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle and Alas Babylon by Pat Frank were both important books to me in grade school. I decided to be a novelist when I was four, but I knew I needed tons of knowledge to be good at it, so I considered reading an important part of my education. Later on in Middle school, Poe, Lewis, Bradbury, Du Maurier and the Bronte Sisters became my favorite literature teachers and lastly, a shoutout to the talented novelist, Lenore Hart for her amazing mentorship.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I had a triple plan, prima ballerina, novelist and environmental attorney. I’m in my 2.0.

At what point do you think someone should call themselves a writer?

The minute they take it seriously they are one. Serious as in writing every day for a month straight or attending school, joining writing groups, reading craft books or attending residencies to improve. Even adventures are part of my life as a writer, everything a person experiences is a sum of the whole. There is a mental shift when writing is no longer a hobby, and you’ll feel it in every drop of blood when it happens.

Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?

Day 1. Read exceptional books in the genre you are focusing on. Pay attention to details, especially in human relationships and nature. Embrace wonder and imagine. Disregard people who discourage you or who make fun of your passion, as this situation can turn into Imposter Syndrome and it’s tough to shake. Exercise before you write, so your brain is alert and sharp. Eat the best quality food you can afford. Your brain and body need good fuel to create. Write until your fingers cramp and you burn the toast. Submit to literary journals and magazines that you think are out of your league. Get a ton of no’s, throw a hissy fit so you feel better and celebrate the heck out of the rare, yes. Time for champagne!    

Day 2. Do it all over again.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

I do hear from my readers, which is really amazing and fun. Often they can’t get over an imaginative ending or a twist, or they deeply hate my villain. 

Mission accomplished. Lol.

How much research did you need to do for your book?

The last story I wrote, MINT was only fifty-two pages and it took me almost a year to write and research A.I., Virtual Reality and NFTs to write it the way it needed to be.

Do you play music while you write — and, if so, what’s your favorite?

I listen to the music my MC would listen to. I have a free Spotify and Tidal account, but you can hear almost anything you want on You Tube too. It helps me vibe into their world. I really dig the two hour Space Music and House Party loops on You Tube.

Do you prefer ebooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?

I collect print books, but I read ebooks more often because I fly on airplanes a lot and my Kindle holds hundreds of titles and it isn’t heavy.

Have you ever traveled as research for your book? 

I have many times, and it’s so cool! It’s also an opportunity to do public readings, and connect with librarians, historians and bookshops. I have also traveled with my family and the things that happened inspired a new book. The Irish Phantom Series all began because of an odd, little boy named Nigel, I met him when I was in Kilkenny, Ireland. I explain it all in the author’s notes of the first novella, Corvus Hall. 

How many books have you written?

I just put the finishing touch on my 28th title and am currently working on two short stories and a novel that is being developed into a feature film.

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